• Our Rooms


    Our baby rooms have their own milk kitchen, changing area and separate sleep room. The rooms are brightly decorated and stimulating for the babies with lots of brightly coloured age-appropriate toys and activities. Babies have their own purpose built garden areas with age appropriate toys, free flow opportunities and shelter allowing outdoor play all year round.


    Children progress to the toddler room dependant on their stage of development and on to the pre-school rooms at 3 years of age. Both groups enjoy a variety of activities and access to the garden throughout the day. Children are encouraged and guided to play together and learn from each other in preparation for school. Each of our nurseries has their own bathroom with child-size amenities. We will work with you every step of the way to support what you are already doing at home, whether that means establishing day-time sleep routines, potty training or healthy eating habits.


    Our gardens offer all sorts of wonderful possibilities for play and development, allowing children to make the most of natural resources and work on a bigger scale than indoors. In our gardens we promote the growing and nurturing of plants and vegetables, digging in sand and soil, the use of mud and imagination, splashing in puddles and exploring water sources.

    Outdoor play helps children develop in a variety of ways including independence, exploration and investigation skills, risk-taking and self-esteem; all of which support children to develop skills for now and the future. Our gardens are accessible all year round with children choosing to move between the indoor and outdoor environment as they please.

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